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Olga Novinskaya has prepared an overview of Russian jurisprudence on Internet memes for ILN IP Insider
Olga Novinskaya
Information in the media

Olga Novinskaya, Junior Associate of IP/IT practice at Maxima Legal, spoke about Russian court practice related to Internet memes especially for the ILN IP Insider blog. Thus, the expert illustrated the positions of Rospatent  (the Federal Service
for Intellectual Property)
 and the Intellectual Rights Court regarding the possibility to register a meme as a trademark and protect copyrights for “virulent” ones. In addition, Olga stressed that creations of mems are often related to uses photos of celebrities, which exacerbates the issues of protection and dissemination of information about an individual.  The expert recalled a high-profile case in which a court ordered Roskomnadzor (the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media)  to block an article on a popular website dedicated to the “BBPE” meme, containing references to the name of Russian singer Valery Syutkin as well as his photographs, complete with humorous but obscene slogans.

ILN IP Insider is an international collective blog of lawyers specialising in various intellectual property issues. Among its regular authors are experts from Euroclear, Tencent Holdings Limited, WalMart, Credit Suisse, TIAA-CREF, Starbucks, Intel, European Patent Office and other leading global companies.

You can read the article on the website ILN IP Insider blog >>>