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Dmitry Uryakin told the DP about the legal aspects of «digital residency»
Dmitry Uryakin
Head of General Business Practice
Information in the media

From February 2022, the Ministry of Digital Economy intends to launch a "digital residency" mechanism to simplify the procedure for hiring IT specialists from abroad. Foreign residents will have the right to register companies in Russia without having to enter the country, as well as to work there legally remotely with the ability to interact with banks and pay taxes. According to the ministry, this initiative will solve the problem of the lack of qualified personnel in the Russian IT market.

Analyzing the legal aspects of "digital residency", Dmitry Uryakin, Associate at Maxima Legal, drew attention of "Delovoy Peterburg" to the fact that the current legislation does not formally prohibit the employment of foreign citizens, including the condition of remote work. However, according to the expert, this practice cannot be called widespread and widely applicable. "The reason for this, firstly, is the specific requirements that an employer hiring an expat must meet. Thus, as a general rule, a foreign worker must have a work permit or patent, and a Russian employer must have a permit to hire and use foreign workers. At the same time, there is still no stable position in practice on whether remote work is covered by the provisions of the Federal Law "On the legal status of foreign residents in the Russian Federation," explained Dmitry.

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