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Natalia Diatlova analyzed the importance of partnership agreements at the meeting of the “Ideas Club” business club
Natalia Diatlova
Head of international desk, Сorporate and PPP practices
Company News

On 16th of September Natalia Diatlova, Partner, Head of Corporate Law practice at Maxima Legal, told the residents of the business club “Ideas Club” about partnership agreements and their importance for business.

In particular, the expert pointed out the risks that may be faced by business owners and explained the cases when a well-thought-out and legally sound structure of interaction between partners in various situations is needed. Natalia also discussed with the participants of the meeting the foreign experience of partnership organization.

“Ideas Club” business club unites more than 150 successful businessmen of Saint-Petersburg who are ready to share their ideas and realize them together. The residents of the club are top managers of large companies and business owners.