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Natalia Diatlova told about the nuances of a foreign notary certifying the signature of the sole participant in a Russian business
Natalia Diatlova
Head of international desk, Сorporate and PPP practices
Information in the media legal media prepared a brief guide to doing business in Russia from abroad. The media drew attention to the incomplete adaptation of legislation for remote business management, but highlighted a number of effective mechanisms, including issuing a power of attorney to a trusted person or transferring the business to trust management, expanding/confining the powers of company management bodies, appointing/electing "additional" company management bodies (board of directors, collegial executive body).

At the same time, the law does not always permit a waiver of the notarial procedure. Natalia Diatlova, Partner and Head of Corporate Law practice at Maxima Legal, told that a foreign notary can certify the signature of a sole participant. "But then it is necessary to put an apostille, which requires additional time and expenses. And if the country does not have a double taxation treaty with Russia (for example, the UAE), then legalisation rather than apostille is required, which will take even more time", the expert warned.