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Forbes has included Maxima Legal in its list of firms recommended for HNW-clients
Company News

Based on the results of its own analysis of the market of law firms practicing in the field of protection of interests of HNW-clients, Forbes Russia magazine has included Maxima Legal into the list of the recommended firms in 4 areas of legal support:

Conflict Resolution

Crisis Management – Subsidiary Liability Involvement

Criminal Defence

Inheritance Law and Estate Planning

It is worth mentioning that the research was conducted for the first time, within the framework of a special project of the edition – Forbes Club Legal Research, aimed at helping private persons to choose a reliable legal adviser, who “would provide exceptional expertise, be a trusted person and be fully involved in the problem resolution with high standards of ethics and quality of service”.

The resulting lists were based on an assessment of the private wealth practices of 403 Russian firms. In particular, the study examined and compared the project experience of each of the companies. Aspects traditionally relevant to HNWI clients, including international connections, cooperation with leading banks, detective and forensic agencies, etc., were also took into account.