Company News

Dear friends!

Soon we will be celebrating the next anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War.

This is a holiday that teaches us to remember, honour and rejoice every day. Today it is also a great opportunity to personally thank the veterans for their courage and resilience in going through the ordeal, to see their sincere smiles, to hear the breathtaking stories of strength, bravery and, of course, friendship and love.

For several years, together with the regional branch of the All-Russian Public Movement "Volontery Pobedy", we have been helping veterans of the Great Patriotic War. This year, we continue our good tradition and invite you to join us in raising money to support the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

The fund's beneficiaries include combatants, survivors of the Siege of Leningrad, concentration camp prisoners and children of war. We invite you to take a closer look at some of them.

Anastasia Zheglova

Participant of the Great Patriotic War. As a part of military unit she reached Berlin, took part in reconstruction of railway communication. She was awarded by II degree Order of Great Patriotic war, medal "For capture of Berlin", medal "For clearing of Warsaw", medal "For a victory over Germany 1941-1945" and medal "Zhukov".

Yuriy Zubkov

A resident of the besieged city of Leningrad. When the war started, Yuriy was only 7 years old. Together with his sister, who was in a volunteer unit, he went around attics and extinguished lighters during the alarm. His brother Yuriy died of starvation in winter 1941. Yuriy believes, against all odds, that "Childhood is always good for everyone". He draws pictures, writes poems.

Nikolai Karasev

He learned about the war from the radio. In 1943 he enlisted in a steering company at the Northern Fleet's "Jung" school on the Solovetsky Islands. A year later he was called up for service on the 3rd Belorussian Front. After the Victory on the 9th of May in Berlin. After the war he worked as a seaman until his retirement at the age of 75. He was awarded with medal "for capture of Berlin", Order of Great Patriotic War, war merit rewards.

Alexandra Leschuk

Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, worker in the Siege of Leningrad. Served as mine clearance officer of 1st company of 217th separate mine clearance squadron. Conducted mine clearance of Sinyavinskiy and Pulkovskiye heights, Kirovsk, Mga, Pushkin, Pavlovsk and their suburbs. Alexandra was awarded with order of Great Patriotic War of the 1-st degree, order Red Star, medals "For Defence of Leningrad", "For courage", "For a victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", Zhukov and others. She also has a badge "Excellent Mine Worker".

Olga Prokhorova

Prisoner of Nazi concentration camps. In 1943 she was taken with her family to Dachau concentration camp in Poland, and later to Mathausen in Austria. She was liberated by American and Soviet troops in April 1945. She is currently chairman of the Public Organisation of Former Young Prisoners of Fascist Concentration Camps in the Nevsky district of St Petersburg.

Nikolai Rakhmanov

When the war started, Nikolai was 10 years old. He lived with his father and nine brothers and sisters in the occupation in Belarus. After serving in the army he moved to Leningrad. Participated in the war in North Korea. Worked in the construction company "Elevatorstroy".

Gennadiy Syrovatko

Gennadiy was born in the Krasnodar region. In 1944 he was conscripted into the army, served in Kamianka-Bugskaya on the border with Poland. He participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the enemy sabotage. Gennadiy was awarded by medals "For services in battles", "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", "Georgy Zhukov" and 19 different commemorative medals. This year he and his wife will be celebrating 65 years of life together.

We will be glad if you can transfer any amount of money using the bank details:

Saint-Petersburg regional branch of the All-Russian Public Movement "Volontery Pobedy"

ИНН 7801316721

КПП 780101001

ОГРН 1167800054278

р/с 40703810955040001021

Северо-западный Банк ПАО «Сбербанк» г. Санкт-Петербург

БИК 044030653

Кор. Счет 30101810500000000653

Please put 'charitable contribution' with the code Maxima Legal in the remittance note. This will allow us to track your participation and will help us to report on it.

At the end of the campaign we will be sure to provide you with a full financial report and photo report confirming the intended use of your money, as well as a letter of gratitude.